Dear all,
Do remember to select your background before adding your gadgets otherwise you will have to start all over again.
You need to add a link back to the main video blog to allow examiners / moderators to navigate our sites easily.
Other gadgets will include relevant links or articles, particularly sites that you need to go back to frequently. For instance, you might want to link up the Park High YouTube Channel to look up recommended videos or explore the work of a specific director.
Finally, you need to use labels, once again to facilitate navigation; for instance, you could use Research or Track Selection... Later posts will be about Planning and the last ones will be for the Evaluation. Do start using labels! You can add them to existing posts and you can add more than one label.
Finally, remember to document your search for suitable tracks on your blogs, and to come back in September with your top 2-4 possible tracks. Email if you have any questions about that.