9 November 2010

Refining your marketing strategy

You need to start thinking about pulling all the threads together in terms of your marketing campaign / promotional package. Use the research you've done on labels on music TV to work out which would represent / play your artist. Think about your Digipack and how it will tie in with your audience research. Use the work you've done on established artists to help you map out everything.

Below you will find bits and bobs to help further hopefully:

Think of labels for your music genre / type of band or artist.

Remember to work on your CD cover and digipack:
Think about:
1. images used (layout, colour, style etc) text (fonts, size, positioning, colour etc) The relationship between text and images - how do they work together i.e. anchorage, differing functions of the front, back, inside sleeve
2. how the iconography represents the band, the genre of music and their overall image.
3. are there any signifiers exclusive to the band/genre
4. what the cover says about the institutional context of the music ie the label, mainstream, underground, first album etc
5. what can we learn about the potential/target audience from the cover ie specialist, niche, familiarity with the band, compilation, mainstream etc.
6. and anything else of relevance, including influences from similar (real) products.
You will have a lesson on Magazine adverts next week but you could start thinking about where a magazine ad would appear.

Finally, remember to refine your audience research using the technology available.

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